Take a tour of Morgan County’s parks and scenic areas with the #BBJYMCA5K.
Monthly you’ll enjoy a run/walk at various places around Morgan County.
The first in the series is a virtual run on APRIL 29th. Outside or inside, anywhere, anytime, take a run or a walk on the 29th. Share a photo with us on Facebook@bbjymca.org #BBJYMCA5K!
Thank you to our sponsors: IU Health Morgan, Big O Tires, Morgan County Business Leader and Healthier Morgan County Initiative.
The monthly 5Ks are free and open to the community. Watch for details on future monthly fun run/walks:
May 27th, June 24th, July 29th, August 26th, September 30th, October 28th
and finally the annual YMCA of Morgan County 5K on November 21st at the YMCA of Morgan County. *The only run in the series with a registration fee, the November 5K raises money towards strengthening our community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.