Y Stories

Just about everyone has a favorite story about how the Y has impacted their life. Here are some of our members’ Y Stories. To submit your Y story, visit our Send Us Your Y Story page.

Jessica’s Y Story

Jessica’s Y Story

By Jessica Schriber Before the Y I was a stay-at-home mom who was new to Martinsville so I did not get out much.  I was overweight, unhappy, even depressed and getting very little physical activity. My Wake Up I avoided pictures for years.  My sister shot a photo of...

Vivian’s Story

When Vivian tore her plantar fascia, it seemed like surgery was her only hope for rehabilitation. Before she said yes to surgery, she had one question: Would therapy work? She found her answer at the YMCA of Morgan County.

Janet Sheppard: What The Y Means To Me

Janet Sheppard’s Y Story: “For 7 years now the Y has been a part of my life; socially, physically and mentally. I always tell people the best and smartest thing I ever did was join the Y.”

Jay’s Y Story

Jay’s Y Story

Jay: “I have been blessed by God to get this second chance, and I’m blessed every day by the wonderful staff and friends I’ve made at the Y.”

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